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Why choose between Pilates & Yoga?

We all love playing sports as this makes us healthy, happy and slim. In Hong Kong, I notice that most girls prefer doing the ‘feminine’ sports like pilates and yoga, but today I’m gonna dig into some other types.


Firstly, being easy to pick up and able to relax your soul and body, pilates and yoga are simply great, but I just assume sometimes we need a bit of vigorousness to ease our stress. Girls are never weak animals, we can do what those men are doing – crazily jump, robustly run, powerfully lift… If you are as active as me, then I guess BOXING and SPINNING should be your cup of tea. 


Unlike pilates and yoga, which are anaerobic, boxing is approximately 80% anaerobic and 20% aerobic. But if you prefer a more aerobic one, kickboxing should be a good pick. The sport is certainly good for our health as it trains our body strength, cardiovascular function, and perseverance. It can also provide us with a healthier and stronger body figure as more muscles, like biceps, triceps and deltoids, can be developed during exercising. Don’t worry, you certainly won’t look as strong as a man, but only gorgeous and healthily sexy.



Whilst standing on a ring throwing punches is simply cool and exciting. Every time when finishing a boxing class, I feel reborn and easy. Yes, boxing is tiring and you usually have to sweat a lot, but training your body in a short period of time is amazing, isn’t it?


If you are afraid that boxing would get you hurt, then let’s see spinning. It’s an excellent workout to strengthen your heart and tone your legs. Listening to funky music and ‘riding’ with a group of beauties, the spinning class is truly cool. It’s never boring as a section usually includes sprints, hill climbs, circuits and intervals modes. You must feel refreshing after all!


Alright, I know you can’t wait to get your sportswear and go for a workout. And you know what, doing sports nowadays is fashionable and trendy. Those colourful gym clothes and pants are just lovely, whilst trainers are comfy and stylish! Exercising is no more a painful experience, but a happy easy relaxing moment! Girls, let’s become tougher, stronger and sexier together!

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